Friday, December 31, 2010

The Countdown Begins!

I absolutely cannot believe that it is New Year's already! Where did the time go? My one month coutdown began yesterday and I meant to write at some point, but per usual there are not enough hours in a day. Thirty days seems like a long time, but I know it is going to fly bye so I have begun the preparations. Yesterday my mom and my friend Erica went shopping with me to find a dress for the formal events that we have during our semester in Tubs. Dress shopping is most possibily the most obnoxious process that a woman ever has to go through. I swear I tried on at least thrity dresses yesterday, but I finally found the one that I loved. However, I should have taken a picture of the Macy's dressing room because there was barely room to walk in it. There were so many dresses and clothes scattered all over the place that we had to clear a hanger in the dressing room just so that I could hang my dresses. It was NUTS! Meanwhile, while I tried on dress after dress, my mom and Erica went digging through the remains left in the rooms and on the discard rack. They actually managed to find a couple for me to try on! Anyways, my dress shopping experiences are really not that important or interesting.
Tonight, its dinner with the family and then heading to my friend Ally's house for a night of grand shinanigans. I'm sure that someone will cry their eyes out laughing or pee their pants; that's usually how it goes when we get together! But I'm excited to just hang out. We always seem to have something going on that stops all three of us from getting together (Erica is number three if you are wondering!) so it is nice when we can all get together and spend some quality time together. Ally and Erica are the two people that I stay in touch with from  home. During high school we became really close friends bonded through laughing our way through the tougher times. They are family and I love them!
Speaking of high school, I would like to take a moment to address some sadder news that has been brought to my attention. A former friend of mine from high school has recently found out that her younger sister has been diagnosed with Lukemia (AML to be exact). Although we are not really friends anymore due to the fact that high school is over and life goes on, I am deeply saddened by this news that I have recieved. I just spent about a half an hour skimming through her care page and its hard to not to want to cry for her and her family. It is such a painful process and her whole family has been in my thoughts for the past week or so. I truely hope that everything works out and that her sister is able to overcome this disease. I know that she is strong and that she will make it to the other side of this mountain.
Hearing about someone you know having cancer really makes you reevaluate what is important in life. After learning about this person's struggle, I have really thought about how lucky I am that I am healthy and happy. Taking New Year's into account, I think that my New Year's resolution should be to make the most of every opportunity that I am given. Considering the fact that I am heading to Europe in a few short weeks, I could not pick a better resolution. I look forward to my time abroad, and although I have some anxiety about leaving the country for such a long time I am going to face it head on and make the most of it!

Happy New Year's to all of you, and I hope that you have a fun and safe holiday!


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